The Roots of the Matter

 A Branch of Biological Study

Day 4: 30 Days Wild, and it's the anniversary of the death (1922) of pioneering botanist Katherine Esau; we just don't hear enough about women scientists, so I'm pleased to flag her up here today. Weirdly, I'd picked up a book from the 1960s on 'Basic Biology' from a charity shelf in the supermarket while shopping yesterday, which came into its own on this rainy day indoors, including information on plant anatomy. Without it I wouldn't have a clue what 'phloem' is (food conducting in plants) which was her field of research along with viruses in plant-life. My own store cupboard became part of the day's 'research'...

More on Katherine's life & achievements here:

Branching Out...

Day 4: #30DaysWild2022 Spent most of the day on the Wiston Estate in W. Sussex, where these 3 trees caught my attention - their shapes, in particular - adapting to the conditions they're in; wind channels; storms etc. They each seem to have a very definite character or personality.


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