
Showing posts from 2020

A Walk of Art

Mindful Awareness I recently attended a 'Mindfulness & Meditation' hour at Brighton Art College. Not being very skilled at sitting doing nothing, or clearing my mind, I wasn't sure how effective the session might be, but it was facilitated in such a way, by Sebastian Beaumont, that the process was unexpectedly easy. Just a simple little analogy did the trick. We were invited to imagine trying to get to work by bus, or some important event; and to think of our thoughts as if they were buses. It doesn't make sense to jump on the first bus that comes along. We need to take a moment to consider if it's the right one; whether it will take us to where we want to go. If not - let it pass by, and the next. It's not necessary to jump on the back of the first thought that enters our mind; better to wait, no matter how uncomfortable that might feel; what doubts and questions might arise (unexplained delays; has the route changed and no-one told us?!) Destination: Pea