In Clover

 Tea & Poetry

#5 30 Days Wild: And right on cue, a poem by Emily Dickinson, (from: Read Me 2 - A Poem for Every Day of the Year) with red clover heads I picked earlier to make tea.

Clouding Over

Day 5: #30DaysWild2022 Enjoyed a Nature & Poetry zoom session today; participants were asked to call to mind 5 Nature related memories, which led to the genesis of a poem about my being about 4, paddling, when the tide suddenly turned and came in at a scarily fast pace, with no-one around to notice or help as it threatened to overtake me. I will work on it further, but took the opportunity to walk down to the sea after - with black rain clouds forming and breaking.

I also discovered this: -
with art, poetry & other stuff.

& the others I hadn't known about before.

Enjoying this organic daily exploration of Nature and all that it inspires.


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